С безопасностью как ядром, хорошая эффективность ведет к хорошим результатам

Jul 21 , 2022

Как новая платформа для применения с воздуха, беспилотный опрыскиватель для защиты растений имеет высокую системную сложность, высокую корреляцию, а также изменчивые и сложные условия применения. Поэтому EAVISION всегда придерживалась политики «безопасность, эффект и польза» от концепции дизайна; безопасность является ядром В предпосылке хорошего эффекта есть хорошая выгода. EAVISION имеет три основные системы безопасности, которые могут обеспечить не только безопасность оборудования и персонала, но и безопасность урожая.

Система безопасности 1: система диагностики неисправностей перед эксплуатацией

UAVs are different from our common ground intelligent equipment. In case of failure, they can be shut down for maintenance. For aerial equipment, once any failure occurs, it will be a full stop. There is no comma to choose from. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the UAV operates before operation. The entire system is in an absolutely trouble-free state, otherwise safety problems are very likely to occur; therefore, the design concept of civil aviation was introduced from the beginning, and the failure modes of each system in various environments were considered at the beginning of the design. There are more than 200 kinds of fault codes; after the drone is started, it will diagnose the whole machine system, and accurately identify the fault by comparing its own internal sensor data with the background data, and display the fault for the operator to watch, which is convenient for the operator At the same time, the high efficiency agricultural drone has designed its own zero-allowance mechanism for faults to ensure that every flight is in a safe state; as long as it can take off, it can ensure safety.

Safety system 2: environment perception system integrating binocular vision and multi-sensor fusion

EAVISION was born in a mountain system. The mountain is different from the field area. In addition to obstacles, there are factors such as high and low drop. The traditional radar sensor cannot fully and accurately perceive the external environment. Therefore, EAVISION uses a binocular system to simulate the visual field of the human eye to judge. In the surrounding environment, what the Safety agricultral drone sees is what you get. At the same time, it is equipped with ultrasonic, lidar, and millimeter-wave radar sensors. According to the limitations of different sensors that can accurately detect the surrounding environment, the cross-complementation of multi-sensor and multi-dimensional data is realized to form multi-sensor fusion. The safety perception system can realize the perception of the UAV's flight direction, up and down, front and rear without dead angle, autonomous operation UAV automatically determines the safe path, intelligently selects the path from the top of the obstacle or from the left and right to avoid the obstacle, and realizes the real fully autonomous operation.

Safety system three: multi-sensor redundant system

No single device or sensor can absolutely guarantee long-term use without failure, so EAVISION adopts a multi-sensor redundant system, connecting three identical sensors in parallel, and inputting the same data processing device, then when any one of them is damaged. When the sensor is abnormal, it will conflict with the other two sensors. At this time, the processing device will take the data of the two closest sensors and discard the extra points. Ensure that the sensor has no false alarms; for example, assuming that the probability of one device failure is 0.1%, then the probability of two failures of three sensors at the same time is 0.1%*0.1%=1 in a million, which improves the reliability of one square from the safety. .

In addition, EAVISION does not only rely on a single flight control system for safety control, but adopts a large and small brain safety control mechanism. The cerebellum is the traditional flight control system, and the brain is a multi-sensor processing system integrating vision. Both the cerebrum and the cerebellum have independent guidance. The ability of the aircraft to return or make a forced landing, if any one party has an abnormality, the other party will ensure the safe return or forced landing in place, and always ensure the safety of equipment and personal property.

While ensuring flight safety, EAVISION has also devoted itself to crop safety over the years.

Возможность профилирования полета на высоте всего 0,7 метра позволяет эффективно избежать рассеивания химикатов. Проводя совместные эксперименты с отечественными и зарубежными фармацевтическими компаниями в течение всего года, EAVISION исследовала схему комплексной защиты растений для различных видов сельскохозяйственных культур. В Японии и других регионах, где требования к защите окружающей среды чрезвычайно высоки, EAVISION завоевала широкое признание на зарубежных рынках благодаря своим уникальным преимуществам в области безопасности и защиты окружающей среды.

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